Donate today to ensure we can be there for everyone who needs support.


Today one person will die of an eating disorder every 52 minutes.

We're on a mission to change that.

Eating disorders are difficult to beat. Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, and inpatient treatment can cost over $1,000/day. Even for those who do receive care, medical and psychological care alone may not be enough. Relapse rates exceed 65% for most treatments.

But recovery is possible. 

Our programs combine yoga, psychoeducation, and peer support to help people help one another recover from eating disorders. Your gift today can make a difference.


Your Impact

Here’s how your donation can help

Woman doing downward-facing dog


provides an entire month of yoga to one person with an eating disorder

Woman in a recovery yoga pose


subsidizes a four-week Eat Breathe Thrive program for fifteen people

Two people clasping hands


covers 25 hours of crisis intervention calls with individuals in urgent need of support

A yoga teacher helping a student


underwrites the costs of training a new facilitator


Get Started

Yes, I’ll donate to Eat Breathe Thrive.


Your donation helps us provide a safe space for people with eating disorders to practice yoga, connect with peers, and learn critical skills for sustained recovery.
