The Something for Kelly Foundation and Eat Breathe Thrive are working together toward our shared mission to raise awareness and reduce stigma about eating disorders.

Together, we’re working to change the conversation about disordered eating and create a world in which all people feel safe to be honest and authentic.  

Eat Breathe Thrive & Something for Kelly

You can start the conversation.


Kelly’s Circle necklaces were designed to empower eating disorder professionals, family and friends, and people in recovery to start a conversation about eating disorders. Patti Geolat, Executive Director of Something for Kelly, shares:

“Kelly was not in denial. She knew she had an eating disorder. But she did not want to talk about it. After Kelly died, I wanted to give voice to others who suffered because of this disease. We created the necklaces as a nonverbal way to have a conversation about mental health and eating disorders. The various designs help to tell how you are impacted by this sickness. Let's have the conversation.”

Your generous donation supports Eat Breathe Thrive and Something for Kelly. And, when you give $100 (USD-equiv.) or more, you'll receive your choice of a unique Kelly’s Circle necklace as a thank-you for your support.

You can help create a conversation about the power and possibility of eating disorder recovery.  


The Something for Kelly Foundation

About Something for Kelly

Founded by Patti Geolat, Something for Kelly was born out of a heartfelt commitment to transform a terrible tragedy into something meaningful. When Patti's niece, Kelly Burk Nobbe, passed away in August 2009, her world was turned upside down. "Although we knew that Kelly was battling this monster," Patti shares, "we could not fathom that she could go to bed one night, after what seemed like a normal day, and not wake up." The Something for Kelly Foundation was established to prevent this tragic and needless loss from happening to other families.

For more information about the Something for Kelly Foundation, visit their website or follow @somethingforkelly on Instagram.