Articles and Interviews
How Yoga Can Support Eating Disorder Recovery
Discover how yoga can help you challenge perfectionism, connect with your body, develop body positivity, and practice radical acceptance.
How to Challenge All-or-Nothing Thinking
All-or-nothing thinking (or "black-and-white thinking") is common in individuals with eating disorders and other mental health challenges. Dialectical thinking can help us challenge and reframe our thoughts.
Stories of Eating Disorder Recovery: Cara Lisette
Eat Breathe Thrive: Stories of Eating Disorder Recovery is designed to give people with lived experience of eating disorders a space to share their personal journeys of recovery. In this blog post, Cara Lisette, a mental health nurse, blogger, and Etsy shop owner shares her experience of eating disorder recovery.
Causes of Eating Disorders: What You Need to Know
What causes eating disorders? Mental health professionals recognize three overlapping spheres of influence: biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces.
Cardiovascular Complications of Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are serious, potentially life-threatening illnesses. While yoga can be an important tool at the right stage of recovery, it can also put some students at risk of serious health complications. Here are the four major types of cardiovascular complications all yoga teachers should be aware of.
How to Help Someone with an Eating Disorder
If you suspect someone you know may be struggling with an eating disorder, it may be difficult to approach them with your concerns—but it could also be life saving. Follow these steps to have a conversation with a person you’re concerned about.
Eating Disorders and Isolation: How Shame and Anxiety Make it Difficult to Recover
Eating disorders are complex conditions with a broad range of causes, symptoms, and effects. Across the spectrum of eating disorders, social isolation is one common denominator which research has identified as both a potential risk factor and an effect.
How One Eating Disorder Survivor Recovered Her Voice
Everybody has an authentic voice—but in the midst of eating disorder, an individual's unique voice is often quietened or drowned out by the illness. An important part of recovery is connecting with this true voice. Here’s how one eating disorder survivor recovered her voice.
Yoga and Eating Disorders: The Double Edged Sword
Yoga can be a helpful tool for overcoming eating disorders and building a positive body image, but the very same practice can also fuel body hatred and extreme – even dangerous – behaviors.